Sunday, August 16, 2015

Creating innovative solutions NOW

This week the AT Series focus was technologies and strategies that enable students to create and demonstrate their skills and knowledge. The top three Twitter crowdsourced solutions are Brain Power + Google Glass, the Book Creator App and Cloud-based Technology.

Brain Power have developed Google Glass apps called the Empowered Brain Suite for Autism. The Google Glass Apps encourages students to interact with their parents and make eye contact by presenting exercises like a game.

Other areas the Empowered Brain suite will develop include language. When a child looks at something through Google Glass, the object is identified through the device's machine vision, and its name is displayed and spoken through the Glass's speaker or earbud.

In the classroom the Book Creator App is a favourite for students producing and creating. The App offers users endless creativity options. The example on Twitter this week was creating a story book with students recording the pages using sign language. 
To watch the video visit the link

The third innovative solution is cloud-based computing. Synchronizing multiple devices and services to automatically adjust to the assistive preferences pre-set by a user. This offers users a whole new world of independence, collaboration and participation (access anywhere, anytime). One example of this is:

TCN, a leading provider of cloud-based call centre technology, has recently developed Platform 3 VocalVision, a call centre technology platform designed specifically for visually impaired call centre agents. TCN optimized its software with JAWS (Job Access With Speech), a popular screen reader, to help call centre agents perform their day-to-day tasks smoothly and productively.

The AT Series Week 5 focuses on designing challenging curriculum for all students. Hope you join us on our AT journey on Twitter #SYDTnL



  1. Lyn Sharratt talks about the structures that create a fixed mindset rather than a growth mindset.

  2. Thanks Mary. We use Book Creator many ways. One of my favourite strategies is self generated social narratives. Students are able to use photos or drawings of their routine or learning goal and create a social narrative to communicate this with teachers and peers. Students receive feedback from peers when they share their books via the IW.

    1. Thanks for sharing Kristyne Book Creator is such a great tool allowing students to be creators and producers. I really like the idea of social narratives. I have seen Book Creator used for excursion summaries.

  3. Hi Mary. Yes Book Creator hits the trifector when it comes to Universal Design for Learning because it affords students multiple means to demonstrate what they know, provides students with multiple ways of engagement and because allows teachers multiple ways of presenting students with information. I recommend to your readers that they subscribe to the excellent Book Creator blog on the Red Jumper website see

    1. Thanks Fred I agree the Red Jumper site is fantastic - last week I learnt how to hide the sound button in Book Creator!
