Friday, May 20, 2011

Alan November

Learnt heaps this afternoon by Alan November. Not only about new collaborative tools, especially for primary school students but also about how important it is to ensure that your audience understands and practices what you are explaining.

This link goes to a tedtalk by Alan and captures the essence of today's talk. He is such a clam presenter and involved the young students of OLMC Mt Pritchard. Food for thought re the next PD I run and involving students in the session!! A challenge but really purposeful.
I learnt about easywhoisit to find out if articles on the net are bias and factual. The importance of teaching digital literacy and actually knowing what and why things are on the screen. Much learning to do here.

all thing PLC

click on this link to read interesting Q and A regarding assessment and PLC's. All over the world teachers are grappling with how to provide the best feedback to students and to assess fairly and in a meaningful manner.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

10 new applications for learning

One of the additions to twitter and then to my delicious account is the applications from teachers to use with ipads, ipods and iphones. What amazes me about the applications is the diversity that we are seeing across the multitude of curriculum areas. From changing signage using different languages to highlighting constellations and planets, the changing nature of access to knowledge is becoming more easily understood. It challenges me to keep abreast of the possibilities and to see where we may assist teachers in the classroom to be open to the ideas across the connected world. The number of mathematical apps available astounds and excites me as to the possibilities of really engaging young people in the world of number.