Monday, November 2, 2009

Module 10

I think that now the journey begins. I really want to spend the time exploring glogster, and RSS feeds. I know how to add pictures and videos but i need to learn how to edit quickly and make useful Utube contributions. I am excited about beginning the journey. The more you explore the more you realize you don't know. So here goes into Web2 land of discovery

Module 9

I want to design my own second life site as I think this has huge potential in the classroom twitter is boring as people make silly comments about the Melbourne cup and other everyday things. I can see how you could use it at a conference to get instant feedback, but would everyone have to be signed up to comment. I love my face book page but it is for family only!!

Module 7

Added delicious and added diane to my account. Amazing possibilities are endless. I actually thought that I had written this yesterday but it is not here so I am writing it again,

There you go!!

module 8

How about that? I added google reader and then added some blogs to the reader. I found things that I didn't even know I have. I know that I am just skating the surface of possibilities but I have at least I have started.