Monday, November 2, 2009

Module 10

I think that now the journey begins. I really want to spend the time exploring glogster, and RSS feeds. I know how to add pictures and videos but i need to learn how to edit quickly and make useful Utube contributions. I am excited about beginning the journey. The more you explore the more you realize you don't know. So here goes into Web2 land of discovery

Module 9

I want to design my own second life site as I think this has huge potential in the classroom twitter is boring as people make silly comments about the Melbourne cup and other everyday things. I can see how you could use it at a conference to get instant feedback, but would everyone have to be signed up to comment. I love my face book page but it is for family only!!

Module 7

Added delicious and added diane to my account. Amazing possibilities are endless. I actually thought that I had written this yesterday but it is not here so I am writing it again,

There you go!!

module 8

How about that? I added google reader and then added some blogs to the reader. I found things that I didn't even know I have. I know that I am just skating the surface of possibilities but I have at least I have started.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Module 6

I have made aglogster and that was fun. I will make some more to use as images for different things. Very interesting

thoughts on life - obrikate's Blog - Blogster

thoughts on life - obrikate's Blog - Blogster

Module 6

I used Bubble up even though I usually use mind genius for mind mapping. Bubble up is very simple and I think children would really like it. I can see it used in story telling and character analyisis as well as in making links with relationships and cause and effect. I tried to copy it here but was not able to do this. I will try agian later.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Module 5

Digital Storytelling
Pod, Vods, Videos and Web 2.0

* Learn about Podcasts and Vodcasts
* Explore iTunes
* Visit videos sites such as YouTube
* Create a blog entry about your experiences in Module 5 or how you might use Digital Storytelling in the classroom
Yes I have done all this, the part I don't like is the mind map because I use mind genius for mapping or inspiration

Friday, July 3, 2009

Module 4

Another photo of dinosaurs learning. Clever dinosaurs

Module 4

I have been a busy bee. I just am not sure how to get the photo from flickr but I shall persist

Module 3

I found using google docs a school that is sending me documents regarding authentic learning and leading. They are changing pedagogy through an awareness of what authentic learning looks like and what it doesn't look like. The professional learning across the staff is leading them in new and creative directions.

Module 2

Ok I am on a roll. I have now realised that I started a wiki before the blog. I have a blog and have read module 2. Pictures are elusive, but I am persistent.

Module 1

Module 1 is complete. I have managed to send myself several gadgets and some of them the same thing as I clicked the wrong button. I uploaded the biggest photo you ever saw and finally worked out how to delete it and lost the photo section, Oh well. I added two videos to my wiki. I have spent about 4 hours getting lost. Never mind I shall keep going. Can people see my email address from this blog. If yes How can I avoid this.